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Executive Profiling

What is Executive Profiling?

Most businesses draw their strong pedigree from the nature and overall personality of the individual that leads or runs it. As such, that particular face, his ideas, policies, and charm become the catalyst for an enterprise's eventual rise or fall. Executive profiling tries to polish, protect, and promote profiles of business leaders, CEO’s, and other individuals at leadership positions to benefit the overall goodwill and success of any enterprise.

Executive profiling consists of ingenious marketing and PR strategies that shape the public perception of a business leader to strengthen a firm’s credibility and incite consumer loyalty. These strategies include leveraging social media to post recent accomplishments, industry-related content, engage with clients, consumers and so much more.

How MCTA Builds Your Presence on LinkedIn

  • We Create a Strong LinkedIn Profile
    A profile on LinkedIn is a sure-fire way to build credibility around you and your business. As such, you need a strong, relevant LinkedIn profile which discloses imperative and appropriate information about you. We at MCTA, know what it takes to create a magnetic profile. Together with the help of a professional photo, appropriate cover info, and a compelling headline we create a LinkedIn Profile that instantly attracts eyeballs and causes intrigue among other profiles on LinkedIn.
  • MCTA Leverages Your Contacts to Create Strong Connections.
    Simply having contacts on your LinkedIn profile is not enough, you need to nurture strong relationships out of these connections. MCTA knows exactly how to build strong ties. We connect with your prospect before or after you’ve reached out to them, keep an eye on your competitors, and engage with posts relevant to your industry to strengthen your presence on the platform.
  • Regularly Help You Post Relevant Content
    As a leader of your firm, you need to make your presence felt on a profile such as LinkedIn. One way of doing that is by constantly posting relevant content on your page pertaining to your business or industry. This helps in not only engaging with your prospects, but also letting other interested parties find you. We slowly substantiate your legitimacy with every post we make on your page.
  • We Help You Share Thought Leadership Content
    You have to practice caution as to what content you post on LinkedIn. The content you post should reflect your stature and insight about the business and industry you operate in, content that establishes you as a thought leader of your industry. We help you create original articles that are sure to find an audience among your prospects and even employees.
  • We Help You Grow in Number of Followers
    The more people follow you on LinkedIn, the more respect your profile seeks to gain. We devise and apply intuitive strategies that work in growing followers. These include making a compelling profile, posting constant and relevant information, and engaging with your prospects regularly. We also monitor the number of followers you gained, and what exactly led to that surge for future implications.
  • We Strengthen Your Brand Value through Profiling
    A business leader holds as much brand value, or even more than the name, product or logo affiliated with it. As such, LinkedIn is fertile ground for you to grow and strengthen the value of your brand as a name to be reckoned with within the industry. By sharing thought leadership content, constantly engaging, and with your prospects, nurturing your contact, and creating a strong profile, MCTA helps you accomplish just that.
  • We transform you into an Influencer
    All it takes to strengthen your brand online is the practice of slowly building trust with your connections by sharing your ideas. By helping you be active on LinkedIn by means of posting relevant content, and sharing valuable insights we not only establish you as a thought leader but also as a strong influencer that can shape public opinion. This can become important in growing your business.

How Executive Profiling Helps CEO/CFO in Business Development?

  • Leverage LinkedIn for Prospecting
    LinkedIn is a treasure trove of information pertaining to prospective customers, clients, as well as a home to relevant data about your competitors. We help leverage this information to gain potentially lucrative leads and build strong relationships with your prospects.
  • Join Relevant Groups
    Acquainting yourself with the right group of individuals is a guaranteed way to not only increase your connections but also build credibility around you and your business. We at MCTA, help you join groups on LinkedIn that are closely affiliated with the industry and business you operate in.
  • Participate in Group Conversations
    Simply being part of a group is not enough. Dormancy will soon result in your presence in a group becoming irrelevant. We help in keeping your spark alive, by constantly engaging with other members of the group by sharing valuable insights and posting relevant anecdotes.
  • Send Customized Invitation to new Connections
    Being able to build an affable relationship with a stranger online is extremely challenging. We at MCTA have perfected the practice of sending customized invites to new connections that are naturally courteous, gregarious, and professional without appearing desperate, opportunistic, or superficial.
  • Grow You Network Connections
    The number of connections you have online, the more credible your brand becomes. By helping you post compelling content, scouting potentially lucrative prospects, and joining or engaging with relevant groups, we build a stronger network for your profile and increase your connections consistently
  • Share Meaningful Content
    Posting relevant and insightful content regularly is a surefire way to not only strengthen the credibility of your profile online but also let prospects find you instead of you making an effort to find them. We at MCTA, we make sure your profile has meaningful content to share consistently.

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